Greetings to All Fly Fishers
Welcome to the Fly Fishers Club of Orange County (FFCOC). This is the best fly fishing resource in the county!
If you like fly fishing, or want to learn about fly fishing, you’re at the right place! We are dedicated to improving your fly fishing. Our Club offers multiple educational opportunities, with professional speakers at monthly meetings, outings, classes and conservation activities.
Education classes for both novice and experienced fly fishers includes Casting in the Park, On the River Training, Fly Tying Classes, Fly of the Month, and Rod Building.
Outings to destinations to fly fish with your fellow Club members cover a wide range of fishing situations. It is a great chance to meet like-minded fly fishers and for novice and experienced fly fishers to learn new locations and techniques.
Each month our Club hosts an evening meeting with world class speakers to visit, talk and share their fly fishing expertise with our Club members. Visitors are always welcome!
Browse our website to find out more about us! Please contact us with your questions, or with your interest in joining us! Fly fishing is a great life-sport, available to everyone, where the learning and experiences never stop!
Brian Mayer
2023 FFCOC President